Israel Independence Day a ‘reminder of what we’ve been missing’
April 16, 2021 - SunSentinel
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) was celebrated in-person at events in South Florida with people taking safety precautions such as mask wearing and social distancing.
In celebration of Israel’s 73rd birthday, Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach teamed up with Florida Atlantic University’s Owls for Israel to host the “Israeli Culture Shuk” event on a lawn at FAU’s campus in Boca Raton. Read More
Photo by Joe Cavaretta / South Florida Sun Sentinel
Transgender activist talks about what transitioning was like in Israel
March 31, 2020 - University Press
When he was four years old, Michael Alroy knew he wanted to be a boy upon receiving a Barbie doll as a gift, while his brother got a tractor. Another major point in his life was when he moved to Israel from South Africa at 7 years old with his mother and two siblings to start a new life.
And at 20 years old, Alroy’s life changed again: he transitioned from female to male, from Michelle to Michael. Alroy said his transition allowed him to fully be “Michael Alroy, and that is it.”
FAU’s Owls for Israel and National Organization for Women chapters hosted an Alroy last week via Zoom, where he gave a lecture called “Life Begins Where Fear Ends.” He discussed the complicated relationship he had between himself and his religion throughout his transition. Read More
Jewish Women’s Foundation of South Palm Beach hosts reception
April 17, 2019 - Florida Jewish Journal
The more than 160 guests in attendance learned about JWF’s $100,000 in 2019 grant awards to organizations in South Florida and Israel. Local awardees include the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center's Special Needs Department for its Camp Kavod CIT Program for Young Adults with Special Needs; Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach for its Jewish Learning Fellowship; JARC FL for its Ability Garden Employment Training; PJ Library-South Palm Beach County for PJ Our Way; March of the Living Southern Region for From March to Miriam: Matching Holocaust Survivors with Teens and Adults; and Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services for Teens Against Relationship Abuse. Read more
Photo by Carla Viviana Lopez
Hillel hosts final Shabbat dinner of the semester
April 16, 2019 - University Press
Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach offers a free Shabbat dinner to FAU students every other Friday, but last Friday marked their last Shabbat event until August. Read more
Gift of Life holds 15,000th donor drive
February 22, 2019 - Gift of Life
Gift of Life marked a milestone in its history on February 7, 2019: donor recruitment drive number 15,000 was organized by Florida Atlantic University Campus Ambassador Jackson Hillman during the OFI (Out of Israel) 2019 Israeli Cultural Shuk in Boca Raton, Fla. Jackson was excited to learn that he helped make a part of Gift of Life’s history. Read more
Photo by Skylyr Vanderveer
Choose the light: NSU vigil held for Tree of Life victims
November 6, 2018 - The Current
The people of the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania were victims of a hate-motivated mass shooting on Oct. 27, when 11 people were shot and killed. A vigil was hosted by Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach and Chabad on NSU’s Fort Lauderdale campus on Monday Oct. 29. Read more
Photo by Taimy Alvarez
New Hillel space at NSU is home away from home
September 27, 2018, 1:00pm - Jewish Journal
A double celebration recently took place at Nova Southeastern University in Davie as the new Hillel space on campus was dedicated and the Jewish holiday of Sukkot was celebrated with students eating sushi in a sukkah. Read more
Photo by Alexander Rodriguez
Owls for Israel celebrates the country’s 70th birthday
April 21, 2018 - University Press
Underneath the shade of the Social Science building, students passed by clusters of blue and white balloons leading into a celebration of Israel’s 70th birthday and culture.
Hosted by Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach, Owls for Israel, and the Jewish Student Union, Thursday’s event was comprised of four themed tables, each centered around a city in Israel — Beer-Sheva for cultural music, Jerusalem for facts about Israel, Tzfat for different cultural groups in the country, and Tel Aviv for LGBT rights. Read more
South Florida Jewish institutions to celebrate Sukkot
September 14, 2018, 10:25AM - Jewish Journal
Sukkot begins on the evening of Sept. 23 and South Florida Jewish institutions will host events to celebrate the holiday.
Sukkot is a Jewish holiday that occurs five days after Yom Kippur and celebrates the gathering of the harvest and the way God provided for the people of Israel when they left Egypt. Read more